ARO RO (HQ) Jaipur Army Rally Notification

Indian Army has scheduled to organize Agniveer bharti rally for ARO RO (HQ) Jaipur (Sikar, Jaipur & Tonk districts). The Recruitment Rally for Soldier GD, Tradesmen, Clerk/ SKT, Technical and Nursing Assistant vacancies will be held at Biyani College Of Science & Management, Kalwar, Jobner Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan) during September 29, 2022 to October 14, 2022 under HQ JAIPUR Zone.

Join Indian Army ARO RO (HQ) Jaipur Agniveer Rally Bharti at Biyani College Of Science & Management, Kalwar, Jobner Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan) during September 29, 2022 to October 14, 2022 Online Registration Form, Bharti Date, Qualification, Physical Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Admit Card etc related latest information is given below.

For more details Click Here

Only candidates who have registered "Online" will be allowed to participate in the Rally. All candidates must be Apply through Official Portal OR below are the important links like “New Registration” “Login to Apply” and “Download Complete Notification” for you.

"आपकी काबिलियत ही आपको सेना में भर्ती करवा सकती है। किसी दलाल के बहकावे में न आएं" - भारतीय थल सेना

Enquiry Form

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RO (HQ) Jaipur Army Agniveer Rally Bharti Details

Online Registration: July 05, 2022 to August 03, 2022
Admit Card: September 12, 2022 onwards
Rally Date: September 29, 2022 to October 14, 2022
Rally Venue: Biyani College Of Science & Management, Kalwar, Jobner Road, Jaipur (Rajasthan)
District Covered: Sikar, Jaipur & Tonk

Eligibility Criteria

Soldier GD (General Duty)
  • Allegiance : The competitor is only validated if he is the resident of India or Bhutan or Nepal or Tibetan who came over to India before 1962 to permanently settle in India and owns an eligibility certificate declared by the government of India.
  • Age Limit : 17½ to 21 Years
  • Minimum Physical QR :
    • Height : 170 CM
    • Weight : 50 KG
    • Chest : 77 CM (+ 5 CM expansion)
  • Educational Qualification : 10th Pass with 45% Marks in aggregate and 33% Marks in each subject. In grading system, minimum of D Grade (33 - 40) in individual subjects or grade which contains 33% and overall aggregate of C2 Grade.
  • Eye Sight : Minimum 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be clour / night blindness.
  • Tattoo : No Tattoo, Exceptions for Declared Tribal Area. However, small tattoo on forearm or back of palm allowed
Soldier Clerk/ SKT
  • Allegiance : The competitor is only validated if he is the resident of India or Bhutan or Nepal or Tibetan who came over to India before 1962 to permanently settle in India and owns an eligibility certificate declared by the government of India.
  • Age Limit : 17½ to 23 Years
  • Minimum Physical QR :
    • Height : 162 CM
    • Weight : 50 KG
    • Chest : 77 CM (+ 5 CM expansion)
  • Educational Qualification : 12th (10+2) in any stream (Arts, Commerce, Science) with 60% Marks in aggregate and minimum 50% Marks in each subject with English and Maths/ Accounts/ Book Keeping at 12th level with 50% Marks.
  • Eye Sight : Minimum 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be clour / night blindness.
  • Tattoo : No Tattoo, Exceptions for Declared Tribal Area. However, small tattoo on forearm or back of palm allowed
Soldier Technical
  • Allegiance : The competitor is only validated if he is the resident of India or Bhutan or Nepal or Tibetan who came over to India before 1962 to permanently settle in India and owns an eligibility certificate declared by the government of India.
  • Age Limit : 17½ to 23 Years
  • Minimum Physical QR :
    • Height : 170 CM
    • Weight : 50 KG
    • Chest : 77 CM (+ 5 CM expansion)
  • Educational Qualification : 12th Pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with minimum 50% Marks in aggregate and 40% Marks in each subject.
  • Eye Sight : Minimum 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be clour / night blindness.
  • Tattoo : No Tattoo, Exceptions for Declared Tribal Area. However, small tattoo on forearm or back of palm allowed
Soldier Nursing Assistant (NA)
  • Allegiance : The competitor is only validated if he is the resident of India or Bhutan or Nepal or Tibetan who came over to India before 1962 to permanently settle in India and owns an eligibility certificate declared by the government of India.
  • Age Limit : 17½ to 23 Years
  • Minimum Physical QR :
    • Height : 170 CM
    • Weight : 50 KG
    • Chest : 77 CM (+ 5 CM expansion)
  • Educational Qualification : 12th Pass (10+2) exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with minimum 50% Marks in aggregate and minimum 40% Marks in each subject.

    12th Pass (10+2) exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology and English with minimum 50% Marks in aggregate and minimum 40% Marks in each subject.
  • Eye Sight : Minimum 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be clour / night blindness.
  • Tattoo : No Tattoo, Exceptions for Declared Tribal Area. However, small tattoo on forearm or back of palm allowed
Soldier Tradesman
  • Allegiance : The competitor is only validated if he is the resident of India or Bhutan or Nepal or Tibetan who came over to India before 1962 to permanently settle in India and owns an eligibility certificate declared by the government of India.
  • Age Limit : 17½ to 23 Years
  • Minimum Physical QR :
    • Height : 170 CM
    • Weight : 48 KG
    • Chest : 76 CM (+ 5 CM expansion)
  • Educational Qualification : 10th pass (for Chef, Dresser, Washer Man and Steward). No stipulation in aggregated percentage but should have scored minimum 33% Marks in each subject.

    8th pass (for Syce, House Keeper and Mess Keeper). No stipulation in aggregated percentage but should have scored minimum 33% Marks in each subject.
  • Eye Sight : Minimum 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be clour / night blindness.
  • Tattoo : No Tattoo, Exceptions for Declared Tribal Area. However, small tattoo on forearm or back of palm allowed
विशेष सूचना : इस वेबसाइट पर दी गई सभी जानकारी केवल सूचनात्मक उद्देश्य है। इसलिए हम सभी विज़िटर से अनुरोध करते हैं कि कृपया हमारे द्वारा दिए गए विवरणों की पुष्टि के लिए आधिकारिक वेबसाइट ( पर लॉगऑन करें और किसी भी नौकरी के लिए आवेदन करने से पहले पूरी आधिकारिक सूचनाएँ अवश्य पढ़ें ... हम किसी भी असुविधा के लिए ज़िम्मेदार नहीं हैं।